Creative Thinkers at Work by Jamie

Today in 4th grade technology we are continuing working on our projects. I am currently working with the sphero. I'm making an obstacle house for my sphero so I can program it to do all the obstacles. Meanwhile other groups are working on different things. Like Avery and Justin they are working on the hummingbird kit to make a tickler to cheer you up if your'e sad.

First Week by Matan

This is our first week in technology. We are starting to work on our creations. It is a lot of fun. In technology class we have jobs, I am the blogger. We just got a Kano computer kit. I will write again soon.

Presentation Day 2, Round 2

Today we wrapped up our final presentations and ended with a discussion reflecting on our challenges, our strengths, and working together as a design team.   Overall, the consensus was that we liked the tools that allowed us to also design with our hands.  LittleBits and Hummingbird lend themselves to building and programming, which was most fun for many.  We hope you enjoy our final round of presentations:

Magical with Scratch by Gavin & Jackson

Snowy the Snowman by Jessica & Jenna

iWalkie by Sarah & Kiera

Presentation Day One, Round 2

Unbelievably, time is really flying by in our Robotics and Programming Exploratory.  Below you will find excerpts from our presentations in which students share what they created in their design teams for their second round using a different set of technology tools.  We hope you enjoy the show:

Dr. Failure Part 2 by Kelly & Jacob

Helicopter with Little Bits by Adi & Benjamin

Mr. Sphero with 29 Commands by Leah & Carly

Nori Obstacle Course with Noah & Ori

Decapitated Robot by Zach & Jonathon

Gingerbread Man with Hummingbird Robotics by Caitlyn & Liv

Colorful iPod TV by Emily and Leah