Working On Our AWESOME Vending Machine by Zoe

We are making a vending machine in technology. It was a little confusing at first but then it got a little easier. We are working with Hummingbird robotics. It is so fun. We put these wires together like LED lights, motors, and vibrations.We named our vending machine Vendi. It will be like a real vending machine because it will have real snacks in it. It will be so cool. I am so excited to finish and show it to everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irresistible Ideas by Noa

Last week in technology we switched our activities. I am doing Scratch. Scratch is an app where you create two parts of the story and use sprites or characters and you can make them say things and move. There are some other things like Little Bits, Kano, Lego Robotics, and Hummingbird. Before I did Scratch, I did Lego Robotics. I made a poodle that could bark and open and close it's mouth. For Scratch I am doing penguin football players playing against flying animals. Technology has been really fun so far.

We Did It!

We completed our first round of presentations! We showed off our tech skills and our creative inventions. From a workout gym made of magnetic circuits, a robotic poodle made of Legos, and a Coke that talks, we had a lot of fun. To see our genius at work, click here to view our playlist. For a closer look at more of our adventures, be sure to follow us on Twitter at @4thTech.

Programming Poodles by Zach

Me and my design partner are making a poodle that can open its mouth, bark and can wag its tail. It was fun to make and I am excited to present it! I hope everyone likes it. I wish it was a real poodle!

Working Out with LittleBits by Gabby

My design partner and I are making a gym out of Little Bits.  Our most challenging part about our project was the objects in the gym.  It was really hard to make it with all the tape and cardboard. Something that surprised me throughout this project was that it is not easy at all to connect the wires and make the objects. I thought this would just take a day! So far I am proud of  getting this project done with my partner. I am so excited about what this project is going to look like when we are finished.