We completed our first round of programming and robotics projects! We are excited to share them. We definitely learned that without failure, we don't reach success. We had lots of failure and much success. We learned about perseverance, practice, and patience. We are proud to share our projects with you. We will continue to add to the video library below as we complete our presentations. While many of us would have loved more time to finish all the bells and whistles, we are looking forward to our next opportunity to program:
Dot and Dash: A Love Story by Alex & Jamie
Snowman Battle Bot on a Budget by Moncie and Max
Dot and Dash: Follow Your Path by Harris and Ava
Workout Panda with Hummingbird Robotics by Annie and Peyton
Theatre with Hummingbird Robotics by Nina and Blake
The Color Fiasco by Henry, Daryn, and Abbi
Sphero Obstacle Course by Scott and Miles
Sphero Obstacle Course by Oliva and Layla
Dot and Dash Football Player by Josh and Andrew
Dot and Dash: A Love Story by Alex & Jamie
Snowman Battle Bot on a Budget by Moncie and Max
Dot and Dash: Follow Your Path by Harris and Ava
Workout Panda with Hummingbird Robotics by Annie and Peyton
Theatre with Hummingbird Robotics by Nina and Blake
The Color Fiasco by Henry, Daryn, and Abbi
Sphero Obstacle Course by Scott and Miles
Sphero Obstacle Course by Oliva and Layla
Dot and Dash Football Player by Josh and Andrew